Our art program here at RCS begins with an introduction of basic art materials, processes and techniques. We explore the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in theory, but primarily through applied, hands-on experimentation with different media. We work with pencil, pen and ink, pastels, watercolor, acrylic and clay among other media. Students learn the importance of art procedures and safety in the classroom as they become more proficient with various art tools and materials. Introduced is the concept of presenting and evaluating work and the work of others by following a formal step-by-step art criticism process. Students gain basic art vocabulary and techniques knowledge that serves as the foundation for the next level, our high school art program.

High school art continues as a less teacher-directed situation as the approach to art experiences is less experimental; projects are built on prior knowledge and thus based on more informed choices. As course levels increase, so do opportunities for student input and decision-making. High school classes are more involved with ceramics and kiln-firing, printmaking and larger scale pieces that include working on real-life projects for community organizations and businesses. Opportunities to develop portfolio work increase as we produce everything from t-shirt designs, outdoor signage, mural work and special fundraising projects that are exhibited for sale within our local community.