
English classes adhere to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, immerse students in a rich-literacy program, prepare them for college and work, promote higher SAT performance, develop students’ writing and speaking skills, and require critical thinking.


RCS offers Algebra 1, College Prep Geometry, Honors Geometry, College Prep Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Advanced Function and Modeling and AP Calculus AB.

Social Studies

Social studies is designed to create effective citizens through the study of the social sciences and humanities. Social studies courses draw on such disciplines as economics, history, geography, anthropology, archaeology, law, philosophy, political science, religion, sociology, and psychology.


In this beginning level course, students will learn listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students will learn to express themselves using an ever increasing vocabulary, present-tense verbs, articles, and adjectives.


The goal of this course is to give students basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through activities. Students learn to talk about themselves and others, describe their surroundings and use numbers for dates and time.


Latin I is an introduction to the study of the Latin language and Greco-Roman culture. The course encourages students to learn basic functions of the language, become familiar with some elements of the culture, and increase their understanding of English.


It is the mission of this department to provide a comprehensive and developmental school counseling program for every student at Roxboro Community School, by focusing on the areas of: Academic Development, Career Development and Social/Personal Development, in accordance with The American School Counseling National Model adopted by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Exceptional Students

Our goal at Roxboro Community School is to provide appropriate educational opportunities to all children with disabilities. Proper implementation of IEPs is of paramount importance to ensure access to general education classes.