2009-2010 Computer Classes Offerred At RCS:
7th Grade: Business Computer Technology
Prerequisite: Keyboarding

This course is designed to provide hands-on instruction in basic computer hardware components and software applications. Emphasis is placed on extending and reinforcing touch keying skills while providing experience for learning word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphics, multimedia, and telecommunications applications. Communication skills and basic mathematical concepts are reinforced in this course. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are field trips and job shadowing. Simulations, projects, teamwork, and FBLA leadership activities, meetings, conferences, and competitions provide opportunities for application of instructional competencies.

8th Grade: Digital Communications Systems
Prerequisite: None

This course is designed to teach basic digital input skills including keying using the touch method, speech recognition, and use of handheld devices. Emphasis is on the daily use and operation of commonly used digital communication devices to develop skill with concentrated application of those skills in the production of business communication and correspondence. Communication skills are reinforced as the students format, compose, and proofread. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are service learning, field trips, and job shadowing. Simulations, projects, teamwork, and FBLA leadership activities, meetings, conferences, and competitions provide opportunities for application of instructional competencies.

High School: Computer Applications I
Prerequisite: None

Computer Applications I is the first course in a two-course sequence designed to prepare students with knowledge of how documents, spreadsheets, and databases are used in business to communicate information. Major areas of study are described below.

• Understand tools and methods used to obtain information from the Internet.
• Remember components of electronic communication and rules of online safety.
• Understand documents and publications used in business.
• Understand spreadsheets and charts used in business.
• Understand databases used in business.
• Apply procedures to use presentation software in business.

Upon mastery of the course, students should be able to determine which document, spreadsheet formula, publication, or database operation is required to effectively communicate specific information. Prior skill in developing business letters, reports and memos is required, along with keyboarding skills and conceptual knowledge of basic spreadsheets and databases

High School: 6412 Computer Applications II
Prerequisite: Computer Applications I

This revised course focuses on graphic image design, desktop publishing, multimedia production, and web page design. Communication skills and critical thinking are reinforced through software applications. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are service learning, field trips, and job shadowing. Simulations, projects, teamwork, and FBLA leadership activities, meetings, conferences, and competitions provide opportunities for application of instructional competencies.