What is the Mission of Roxboro Community School?

It is the mission of RCS to achieve and maintain educational excellence by providing a small, inviting and nurturing school that focuses on grades seven through twelve. RCS will value and respect each member of our school family, thus enabling everyone to become effective productive citizens. RCS will provide an environment that will direct our students to focus on relevant and rigorous learning that will continue after high school.

Who can Attend RCS?

Any student who is legal resident of the State of North Carolina may attend RCS. Roxboro Community School cannot accept students who have been suspended from their prior school.

Is there a Cost to Go to RCS?

No. We are a North Carolina Public Charter School.

Does RCS follow the Same Calendar as Person County Schools?

We try our best to keep it as close to their calendar as possible. However, because we do our report card periods on a six-week schedule, there are days that will differ throughout the year.

Is Transportation provided by RCS?

No. Parents are encouraged to arrange car-pooling when possible. Students of driving age may be allowed to drive to school, but will have rules and regulations that they must adhere to.

Are the students Required to Wear Uniforms?

No. However, we will have a “Standard of Dress”. Roxboro Community School does believe appropriate school dress, personal appearance and cleanliness have a desirable impact on student behavior and performance. When questions concerning dress arise, the principal or guidance counselor determines the appropriateness of dress. Parents may appeal the principal’s decision to the Board of Directors.

Does RCS follow the Same Curriculum as the other Public Schools in North Carolina?

Yes and no. We teach the North Carolina Standard Course of Study just as all other public schools in N.C.
However, our students are provided an additional 30 hours of instructional time during the year in each subject. This provides for community involvement, citizenship building opportunities, and additional teacher creativity.

Who Runs RCS?

A Board of Directors governs our school.

How is This School Funded?

We receive state, local and federal funds to operate the school. However, we do not receive capital money for facility construction. Facility construction and improvements are funded through private donations, fundraisers, grants and loans.

Is My Involvement with the School Required?

Yes. The educational philosophy of RCS is based on the understanding that an academic education is only one component of a student’s overall developmental needs, and that families must be active partners in students’ education and development. At Roxboro Community School, families and school staff commit to be mutually supportive, working together to enhance each child’s development and to ensure the success for RCS.

A variety of opportunities for family and student involvement are available to accommodate family situations. As a part of the Partnership Agreement parents must volunteer a minimum of four hours per semester. Generally a student’s school performance improves when their parent becomes actively involved at school.

Does RCS have a Lunch Program?

No. A lunch room is provided for the students. Our parent organization has worked to provide special catered meals during the week to be purchased before hand. Milk and other drinks will be sold. Nutritious snacks may also be provided. Students may bring their lunch on a daily basis if so desired.

Does RCS have an Athletic Program?

Yes. We have worked to create an intramural program and explore minor sports (such as tennis, golf, volleyball, basketball, lacrosse, etc.)

Will RCS Require Students to be Technologically Proficient?

Yes. RCS is committed to being on the cutting edge of technology. It will be a goal for all high school students to have their own laptop computer that will be used in all curriculum areas. We will work with vendors to obtain the best pricing and best financing.

What Time will school Start and End?

1st Period will begin at 8:05 a.m. and dismissal will be at 2:45 p.m. Students should not report to school before 7:50 a.m. or remain in the school building after 2:45 p.m. unless meeting with a staff member for remediation or participating in extra-curricular activities. Teachers provide remediation three days a week Monday through Wednesday from 2:45 to 3:30.

Will there be A Discipline Code?

Yes. Students and parents will receive a Code of Conduct and a Bullying/Sexual Harassment Policy at the first of the school year that they will be required to sign. Discipline will be very simple. We are a school of choice for students and we have a choice not to accept any behavior that detracts from any other student’s learning. Students will display appropriate behavior at school and in the classroom or they will lose their choice of RCS.

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